Westwood Apartments

Westwood Apartments
  • Location: Glen Eden, Auckland
  • Units: 76 Apartments
  • Status: Completed 2024

The Westwood Apartments are nearing 20 years old, and are damaged by poor material choices, complicated and unsecure junctions, and the effects of weather on a building not adequately protected.

The team were tasked with addressing issues of weathertightness across this 6-storey building and ensuring the owners of all 76 apartments were given a solution they were happy to take forward to construction.


Across the exterior of the building, there are damaged wall panels and the roof is in need of a complete replacement. Many of the wall-to-roof junctions are allowing rain into the interior of the building and a complete re-clad with a robust façade design is needed. The improved design encloses problematic balconies, removes all weathered fibre cement cladding, replaces the tired roof and redesigns all unsecure junctions.

A curtain wall cladding system encloses the balconies, expanding living spaces and the overall floor plan of each unit. The curtain wall is framed by new protruding fin additions providing a modern form and visual interest to the building, accentuated by colour.

The improved design brings modern styling to the outdated low-rise building, whilst providing a low maintenance weathertight envelope, increasing the overall value with improved living conditions.